Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Loban hunt, fishing pole n Gardenia

The Loban is one of our local mullets...and usually caught with castnets.

These shy creatures hardly take to a hookup, due to their eating method of spitting the food out after touching it.

Even with the proper equipment, the movements in the float are usually ever so subtle, you really need to focus on it really hard sometimes...

My choice of eq for this little fellow is just plain fishing pole and 4-6lb clear monofilament, and a really really small hook. Fish is very easily spooked by bigger hooks even tho their mouths can take it.

The pic shows one i cought recently, roughly about a month back, and a decent sized specimen too, although they have been known to exceed 2kg in weight, i have yet to see one get landed on hook n line...

Mind the pic quality please, was my trusty old 7250i's phone camera i used...


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